Earth Poet Edge Weaver
Guided Practices for Primordial Nourishment and Creative Emergence
Guided Practice for Engaging with Embodied Support, the Movement of Life Force, and Your Personal Membrane Bubble

Guided Practice for Engaging with Embodied Support, the Movement of Life Force, and Your Personal Membrane Bubble

Excerpts from Ecosystem Spoons: A Somatic Support Group for Sensitive Bodies

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This guided practice invites a deepening into embodied support and the movement of life force. We explore the felt sense of the just right amount of space for you to exist in, including the parts of you that don’t think they belong.

If you want to follow an invitation for further practice around this, you can play with feeling your personal energetic membrane bubble and noticing how it shifts and clarifies in different situations. Are there activities or contexts in which you feel more concentrated and alive? Are there moments when you feel more diffuse and spread out? What helps to bring your system back towards more presence and with-ness? And also, if it's fun for you—does your personal bubble have a color, a texture, a sound? What is the consciousness of that bubble energy like? What information does it carry or mediate for you? 

Gratitude to Larissa Kaul for the frameworks around “just right amount” and the personal membrane bubble.

Earth Poet Edge Weaver
Guided Practices for Primordial Nourishment and Creative Emergence
These "field containers" for guided somatic practice web the relationships that allow nervous systems to open to a felt sense of support from earth, ancestors, and animal body.
Shante' Sojourn Zenith